HomeSmart, Get more
From Your CRM

Special access to Lofty, the top CRM on the market, at an exclusive HomeSmart price! Get a seat on the HomeSmart Account for as low as $40/month

Fill in the form below to see pricing in your area and Schedule a Live Demo

Who we Are
and how we help

WinWithLofty is a CRM consulting company that helps agents gain confidence and close more transactions through the Lofty CRM platform. We are also HomeSmart’s Lofty partner and can get all HomeSmart agent’s set up with Lofty at an amazing price!


From single agents to teams and brokers of any size, we have your back.

Why Lofty CRM?

We believe Chime is the best Website and CRM all-in-one technology on the market. Most agents and teams can manage their entire business in Chime without having multiple systems, logins and software fees. Lead generation, automations, nurturing, transactions, team tools, Chime has you covered!

Made for Mobile.

Responsive Website

We live in a mobile first world. You might be reading this on your phone right now. Chime built their websites to look great, load fast and be easy to use for the consumer.

Mobile App

Manage your business in the palm of your hand with Chime's real-time app. Get notifications from actions taken your site, see lead insights, take notes, send texts, manage a transaction and more!

On-The-Go Communication

Speed to lead is more important than ever. Speak with lead in real time as they are answer your ads, on your website and responding to your automated smart plans.

Real Time Alerts

Be alerted with the buying and behavioral triggers that matter. Know when a new lead comes in, requests a showing or wants their home value.

What Comes With
Your Chime Account?

More tools to build your business for less money

Full IDX Website

Impress leads with your own private, professionally made website. See an example of a HomeSmart site at:

Easy Website Customization

A drag-and-drop website editor so easy to use a caveman can do it.

Great Looking Property Pages

Property listing pages are clean and easy to navigate with built in lead generation tools.

Lead Capture Pages

Each website has been built with lead capture pages like buying guide, selling guide, Home Value, Market Snapshot and more

Smart Plans Automation​

Our favorite feature. Customize and automate your initial lead follow up, long term-nurture, task reminders, birthday texts, and more.

Open House Lead Capture

An underrated tool. Set up your computer or iPad and automatically capture everyone that comes to your open house.

Landing Page Generator

Easily create a landing page in a minute from Chime's huge library or build from scratch.

Automatic property alerts

Stay in front of your prospects for ever with exactly the information and properties that want to see.

Website Chatbot

A little mini "you" capturing leads or answering questions (if you have the AI assistant) while you are off closing deals

Mobile App

A website and CRM made for mobile! Take your business with you wherever you go

Continued Training

An extra bonus work with LetChime! We do trainings on how to use Chime in your business to get a return on your investment

And much, MUCH more!

We could keep naming things you get but you would be here for hours. You get MORE with Chime.

All this At a Special
HomeSmart Price

Fill in your information below to schedule a live demo of Lofty, see pricing for your area and get your questions answered.

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